This Wednesday, August the 24th we had our fifteenth Ladies' Night of the year at Highview Golf Course! We had a great turnout for this week as Forty Nine ladies teed off in our Half Shotguns at 4:45 and 5:45. The Ladies played the Back Nine for Week #15. It was a great afternoon for golf and #JudeFood for those that came out and joined us. A thank you to those who continue to support our Ladies' Section Nights each week! Stay tuned for more HVGC Event Updates and Results. Ladies' Night Comedy Hour Presented by Marg Rueck & Highview G.C.: - (NSFW)
A man escapes from a prison where he's been locked up for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns. Inside, he finds a young couple in bed. He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair.
While tying the homeowner's wife to the bed, the convict gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom.
While he's in there, the husband whispers over to his wife: "Listen, this guy is an escaped convict. Look at his clothes! He's probably spent a lot of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain... do whatever he tells you.
Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us both. Be strong, honey. I love you!"
His wife responds: "He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me that he's gay, thinks you're cute, and asked if we had any Vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you, too!" Back 9 - Par 35 - Red Tees Format: 2 Lady Scramble Closest to the Pin - #16 ~ Edna Dickieson Longest Drive - #11 ~ Marg Attridge Raffle Hole: Score: 3 on Hole #18 ($30/Winning Team) - Angie Proulx & Kim Dubois
- Linda Frotten & Peni Paxton
- Kelli Storie/Karen Robinson/Connie Young
2 Lady Flights 1st Flight 1st - Angie Proulx & Kim Dubois = 36
2nd - Dori Rheubottom & Sandra King = 38 (R) 2nd Flight 1st - Mackenzie Daly & Jen Leutke = 43 (R)
2nd - Colette Prior & Lia Farelli = 43
3rd Flight 1st - Cindy David & Diane Yackobeck = 48 (R)
2nd - Leslie Brooks & Debbie Nicholls = 48
3 Lady Flight 1st - Kelli Storie/Connie Young/Karen Robinson = 40 Note: Prizes will be ready for pickup at the next upcoming Ladies' Night The next upcoming Ladies' Night is next week (Wednesday, August the 31st) Shotgun Starts at 4:45 and 5:45pm Format ~ 2 Lady Blind Best Ball (Stroke Play - Own Ball) *2 PUTT RULE* September 7th - Format: 2 Lady 3-3-3 September 14th - Format: 2 Lady Scramble (LAST GOLF) September 21st - CLOSING DINNER Note: The next Couple's Night is Friday, September 2nd - Shotgun Start @ 5:45pm! Format ~ 2 Person Scramble